
What is an Intensive?

A three day workshop consisting of individual counseling that focuses on teaching practical steps and helps you understand and heal the root causes of unwanted and addictive behaviors, and the underlying trauma. What makes us different is that we do individual intensives, not group intensives. This gives you the opportunity to sit with your therapist, one on one, for an extended period of time allowing you to find healing and not be limited by the traditional 50 minute session. This is not just an educational seminar but a platform for immersive therapy and healing to take place.


What to Expect

Our intensives are 3 days of individual therapy consisting of 8 to 9 hour sessions and are hyper-focused on kickstarting your recovery, processing the roots of trauma and finding healing from addiction. You can expect to go through several hours of EMDR therapy during your intensive. Due to their intense nature, access to electronic devices will be limited. This will prevent distractions, ensuring you take the most stable next step of recovery possible. If you are concerned about minor children and/or emergencies, we recommend that you call in the morning or leave a video recording for them.

For the intensive you will need to bring a journal and pen/pencil so that you may take any desired extra notes during or after the sessions have ended. This journal can be a valuable tool later in your recovery.



Mens’ Sex/Porn Addiction Intensive is a launching-off point to begin your recovery and journey toward healing and freedom. The Sex Addiction Initial Recovery process is a two to five year process. An Intensive is often a great first-step in this process as it provides a safe and secure place for you to begin working toward discovering and understanding what healthy sexuality encompasses. What makes an Intensive affective is that we utilize counseling techniques specifically chosen for your situation, which helps you break through initial barriers of recovery. It isn’t just for people beginning in their journey of recovery but also for those who feel as though they are “white knuckling” recovery, want a recovery check-up, or want to do some deeper work in their family of origin and childhood.

The approach we use at Heritage Counseling Center explores healing from four different avenues: Physical, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual. Like a wheel on a vehicle, we must be balanced. Processing, understanding, and healing the wounds that have led us to having an unbalanced life allows for us to find the balance we all desire to achieve.

Our Sex/Porn intensive is a one-on-one Intensive where you and your therapist intentionally go into the depths of pain and hurt to help you overcome and learn from your addiction to help you become a whole person again. When we go through trauma we loose parts of ourselves and sometimes grow up faster than we were meant to, integrating back into one requires going back and processing and desensitizing the wounds from the trauma and coming to a place of peace in the present. We tackle not just the trauma but also go into the specifics of what made your addiction so powerful. By approaching healing this way, not only the identified behaviors of sex addiction are address, but their roots are uncovered. This allows us to accelerate the healing process and ignite the journey towards freedom from addiction. We use proven techniques such as EMDR and Internal Family Systems to help find inner congruency and healing amongst wounded parts and help rewire the traumatized brain to promote healthy patterns of life.

Topics We Focus On: Denial, Unmanageability, Shame and Guilt, Neurochemistry and Biology of Addiction, Family of Origin Dynamics, Forms of Abuse (Past and/or Current), Boundaries, Trauma, Triggers, The Cycle of Addiction, Tools Required For Sex Addiction Recovery, Spiritual Issues Associated With Sex Addiction


Healing from a traumatic event, unhealthy or unsafe relationships, abuse of all kinds, and chaotic childhoods is something that takes time and intentionality. An individual intensive is hand tailored for you so that you can get the most out of the weekend. Our goal is to ensure you get the most hands on experience as possible to get you to the healthy place you are desiring.

The approach we use at Heritage Counseling Center explores healing from four different avenues: Physical, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual. Like a wheel on a vehicle, we must be balanced. Processing, understanding, and healing the wounds that have led us to having an unbalanced life allows for us to find the balance we all desire to achieve.

Our Trauma intensive is a one-on-one Intensive where you and your therapist intentionally go into the depths of pain and hurt to help you overcome and learn from your trauma to help you become a whole person again. Because, when we go through trauma we loose parts of ourselves and sometimes grow up faster than we were meant to, integrating back into one requires going back and processing and desensitizing the wounds from the trauma and coming to a place of peace in the present. Using EMDR and Internal Family Systems models, we help the fragmented parts integrate together and find healing from the traumatic wounds.

Topics we focus on: Emotional Regulation, Grounding and Coping Skills, Mindfulness Practices, Attachment Style, Physical and Emotional Connections, Desensitizing Traumatic Memories, Shame and Guilt, Self-Forgiveness, Integrating Separated Parts of the Self Spirituality, Triggers, Relationship Issues, Addressing Unhealthy or Undesirable Patterns.

Ready to take the next step? Schedule your Intensive, today.