Self-Care for Stressful Times


Have you found yourself feeling more anxious recently? Pandemic Stress may be a new term for you. The stress and anxiety that has been triggered due to the Global Pandemic is called Pandemic Stress and Anxiety. With what we are experiencing during this pandemic, it is normal that we will feel an increase in stress and anxiety mainly as it deals with the fear and apprehension of what is to come. What’s the reason for this?

  1. Our brains love predictability. According to research, most of us would rather be in worse conditions but for a finite amount of time than be in unpredictable, but better conditions.

  2. After being in the Pandemic for more than 18 months, we are exhausted. We have depleted our surge capacity. This is essential our “Fight/Flight/Freeze Response” that allows us to survive short term crises.

  3. Your brain is not designed to live in a state of emergency long-term because it is difficult to rest, recoup, and process the grief and loss of the pandemic while it’s still going on.


How do we cope with Pandemic Stress and anxiety?

We can:

  • Set boundaries. This can look like limiting the amount of information you take in. Instead of watching news stations for an extended period of time, maybe try engaging in a hobby like reading or cooking.

  • Plan small things that you can do like taking a walk in the park or order take out from a new restaurant.

  • Stop waiting on the pandemic to end because it’s unlikely there will be an official ending anytime soon. What have you put off doing until the pandemic is over?

  • Reach out to a mental health provider. They can give you ideas on ways to improve your mental health during this stressful time.

    We are here to help. Contact Heritage Counseling Center today and schedule an appointment locally in Lafayette or virtually throughout the state of Louisiana via Teletheraphy. You are not alone and we want to help you on your journey towards healing.


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