
What is it and how can we heal from it?


Have you ever felt like you have been through an experience and you simply do not have the words to explain what happened? Maybe you have been through an experience and you are left with a sense that the world is unsafe and prevents you from becoming who you were made to be. This is Trauma.

We often think of Trauma as a big dramatic event. But all Trauma, whether drastic and life altering or a small, minute event, is serious.

It is vital that these events that have caused Trauma in our lives to be processed. What does that look like? Processing Trauma is done by recalling painful experiences from our present set of circumstances to help us understand the thoughts and emotions from a different perspective. In that moment we take the negative emotions and thoughts and rewire the brain to create new, stronger, and positive thoughts and emotions. The reason it is important to take the time to process Trauma is that when it is not processed, the body will respond in physical ways. Unprocessed trauma can present its self in the body through migraines, Fibromyalgia, and intestinal issues. Unprocessed trauma can also appear in relationship patterns and communication patterns, as well as, issues with vulnerabilty and intimacy.

With the help of a licensed professional, you can find freedom from Trauma and in the process and move into a place of healing. At Heritage Counseling Center, you can find resources that will provide you with the tools to reach your goal of healing from Trauma. We use various evidence based approaches, as well as, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This is a therapy model that help us tap into the most painful moments of our past while remaining present, allowing us to desensitize the memory and strengthen core beliefs and our identity.

If you or someone you love have experienced Trauma, in any form, we are here to help.


When Grief hits.


Starting off your day